Thursday, 12 June 2014

Simple Social Network Project

After completing the course part of Udacity's Intro to Computer Science, there was a final project, which was to create and then (in my case)* analyse a social network centred around users, who they are connected to, and which games they like to play.

The starting point was a string of sentences, e.g. "John is connected to Peter, Paul and Sarah. John likes to play Arrow Stars, Super Captain Jim, and I am Pilot"

There was a design brief that one should create a data structure to hold information about users and a set of procedures that should also be available, for example, to add a new user, to see if two users are connected and to get the common connections of two users.

In the end, I also chose to analyse the network, create a histogram of the most popular games and a histogram of the most popular users.  In addition, using the python package networkx, I visualized the network between the n most popular users, highlighting the m most popular users (where n > m), which is shown below (where bold lines indicate that both users have "liked" each other).

* one had to create a procedure of one's own that either did something to the network or analysed it. I chose to analyse the network, but, for me, this also included adding to the network as well.

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