Monday, 9 June 2014

Git and GitHub

This week I started the John Hopkins University Data Science Specialization via Coursera.  This course has 9 modules, plus a Capstone Project.

The first course is The Data Scientist's Toolbox, which introduces the version control system Git and the online respository system GitHub.  If you are going to develop programs, especially if you are going to be collaborating with others, version control is a must - how else will you be able to keep track of everything you have done and everything else everyone else is doing?

Here are some common commands you will need in the command line:

git init
initialize a git repository.

git remote add origin
associate your local repository with a repository on github.

git add -A
add and update files in your repository.

git commit -m "message relating what you have done for this version"
commit a version to your repository.

git push
push the committed version of your (local) repository to the associated remote repository.

As a first commit to my Github account, I have added my simple social network, which was my final project from the Udacity course Intro to Computer Science. I"ll discuss this in my next post.

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