Saturday, 31 May 2014

data science, from the beginning

So, here it is. The beginning.

Right now I'm an experimental quantum physicist, but I just can't shake the feeling that it's time for something new.

I've been looking around at various different industries and, having read a few articles about 'data science' and 'big data', I went along to DataScienceDay in Berlin. I was completely sold: data, modelling, machine learning, predictive analytics - using data analytics to solve business problems and social issues. This is what I want to do!

So, I'm taking the plunge.  However, first, I have a lot of new things to learn in the world of data science. This blog is going to be a diary of what I learn, as a reference for me to come back to (and, if anyone is reading this, I hope it helps you too).

So, here goes...